Tuesday, May 12, 2009

"Voices From A Far T.V." Episode #1


  1. Cool blog...Keep doing your thing!!!

  2. thanks man..!!!!

  3. Good Post.. U had the funny and the serious topics to balance it out. Of course I think the issue in Cambodia is horrible, but that is just a reflection of what is going on in atleast 75% of the world. As Americans we are blessed and take it for granted. I can guarantee that any person living in an impoverished country in the world would kill to just be a homeless person on the street here. We have to count our blessings and be grateful.

    As far as the cheating. Why do men and women jump into relationship permaturely? Why do they allow someone to pressure them into a relationship? Why are people so insecure that they feel they need to be with someone to complete? I think the answer's to these questions separates the adults from the children.

    I think cheating is the result of one just not being ready to commit and there is nothing wrong with that. People need to see the joy in being single, because when a person is alone they get to discover different things they like and dislike and there taste can change over time.

    And Steel Reserve? I can't.... lol...
